Your payroll administration questions answered
As payroll administrators ourselves, we encounter a few frequently asked questions that employers, business owners or those responsible for payroll administration within organisations struggle with.
As payroll administrators ourselves, we encounter a few frequently asked questions that employers, business owners or those responsible for payroll administration within organisations struggle with.
Die drie spaarfondse wat voordeel inhou vir ‘n individu met aftrede, is ‘n pensioenfonds, uittree-annuïteitsfonds, en ‘n voorsorgfonds.
Na ‘n koue winter, groet ons die derde kwartaal met ‘n warm hart. Ons is dankbaar vir die goeie reënseisoen in die Boland. Lente steek sy kop uit met die vroeë oggendson, getjirp van voëltjies en die bome wat begin bot.
To get a better understanding of the audit process, we can take a look at the definition of an audit. Audit – “an official inspection of an organisation’s accounts, typically by an independent body”. An efficient audit is one that reduces the audit risk to the targeted level...
Deterioration, obsolescence and wear and tear are among the reasons why assets decrease in value. By realising a deduction on depreciation for tax purposes, your company can recover the costs of certain moveable assets that are used in the production of income.
VAT is an integral part of our economic society and is something that influences everyone, especially businesses in South Africa. In this article, we will discuss a few do’s and don’ts regarding VAT.
Die son gaan lê vroeër, die koue sluip in en die verkleurde boomblare val een-een af. Winter is hier! Tyd staan nie stil nie, die eerste helfte van 2019 is verby. Belastingjaareinde het gekom en gegaan. Ons is gereed vir die volgende belastingseisoen wat voorlê. Hou vas, want die jaar vlieg verby!
SARS Practice Note 31.2 (PN31.2) provides for a person to be able to deduct interest paid, even where that person is not a moneylender or doesn’t carry on any other trade, where that interest expense is incurred in the production of other interest earned to the extent that it does not exceed the interest income.
Since its introduction, the “pay now, argue later” rule relating to disputed amounts of tax has been and remains to be the subject of much controversy, and rightfully so. The basic premise is that even though you disagree with an amount of tax, once you have been assessed by SARS...
Artikel 20A het met ingang van 1 Maart 2004 in werking getree. Hierdie artikel handel oor die omheiningsbepalings wat verhoed dat natuurlike persone hul belasbare inkomste verminder deur verliese uit sekondêre handel te gebruik.