Na ‘n koue winter, groet ons die derde kwartaal met ‘n warm hart. Ons is dankbaar vir die goeie reënseisoen in die Boland. Lente steek sy kop uit met die vroeë oggendson, getjirp van voëltjies en die bome wat begin bot. |
At the annual GMN conference in Sun City, Vermeulen Badenhorst was yet again chosen to serve on the GMN Africa Regional committee. Our directors, Vermeulen Badenhorst, Herman van der Merwe and Daniel Steenkamp, made time for a fun adventure. Whilst having an amazing Ziplining experience, some of them overcame their fear of heights. Having a balanced life is the key to success! |

Herman van der Merwe en Helene Vlok het HVM se naam hoog gehou tydens ‘n RSG-praatjie met Johan Rademan. Hulle het die luisteraars ingelig oor die nuwe “e-filing application” wat afgelaai kan word om die indiening van opgawes te vergemaklik. Herman het ook van sy wyshede ten opsigte van belastingkwessies met die RSG-luisteraars gedeel. Hier volg ‘n paar foto’s van die kuier by RSG

HVM wants to wish Hanmare McAslin, u13 tennis player from De Hoop Primary school, the best of luck with her trip to the USA. She will be representing South Africa in the UTR junior tournament. To the left: Vermeulen Badenhorst handing over a donation covering some of Hanmare’s travel expenses. HVM is the proud sponsor of De Hoop Primary Tennis.
Ons het omtrent feesgevier en koek geëet ter wille van ‘n hele paar verjaarsdae op kantoor. ‘n Besonderse mylpaal is bereik deur Vermeulen Badenhorst, wat sy 40ste verjaarsdag gevier het. ‘n Hartlike gelukwensing vanaf die hele HVM-kantoor

The annual Superbru score prediction competition for the Super Rugby season came to a nail-biting close. All HVM staff participated in the competition but Chantelle Minnaar weathered the storm from staff members such as Vermeulen Badenhorst and Helene Vlok (who came in 2nd and 3rd) to claim the title! Congratulations, Chantelle! In a state of peaceful happiness we greet the busy past term. HVM wishes the audit team well with the upcoming exams. All the best with the preparations!