Balancing your business’s losses and taxes
In line with the 2020 Budget Announcement, Government proposes to broaden the corporate income tax base by restricting the offset of the balance of assessed losses carried forward to 80% of taxable income.
HVM internal news | interne nuus
A warm welcome to each and every one after a well-deserved break at the end of an interesting 2020! HVM would like to wish our staff and clients a happy, healthy and blessed 2021! The year started with a bang as we entered Tax-season and welcomed three new faces to the HVM family: Christiaan, Zinia and Franco.
Life-hacks for a more productive remote workforce
It’s a strange new world that we’re living in, one in which the digitalisation of the traditional office is happening at a rapid rate. Many businesses are reaping the benefits of remote work in a society where going into the office no longer seems necessary (not to mention that it could present an array of health dangers).
Why do I need to know my rights as taxpayer?
Since the introduction of the Tax Administration Act in 2011, which aimed to consolidate most of the administrative matters in tax acts, taxpayers have become ever more aware of their rights in dealing with the South African Revenue Service (SARS).
How to make a single income household work
The COVID-19 pandemic has left many households questioning the future of their families, especially when it comes to living arrangements when one of the family’s sources of income have fallen away.
How to make the most of your work-from-home experiment
Whenever humanity faces a problem as tremendous as a global pandemic, it unequivocally necessitates societal change. In a pandemic, these changes are often tangible as they disrupt the very norms of our daily existence and activities.
Smart accounting: Are you VAT compliant?
The last several years have seen an increase in “smart accounting systems” that have online capabilities and that can integrate with various other business solutions. These smart accounting systems have revolutionised traditional accounting, and there can be no question that many businesses run...
HVM internal news | interne nuus
Met somer wat uiteindelik aangebreek het en die dae wat redelik na normaal kon terugkeer, kan ons nie help om glimlagte op ons gesigte te hê en uit te sien na die laaste deel van die jaar nie. Vooruitsigte van vakansie en ‘n welverdiende blaaskans is die motivering wat ons nodig het om die jaar goed af te sluit.