What to look out for when submitting your VAT invoice
All value-added tax (VAT) vendors that have gone through a VAT verification from the South African Revenue Service know how frustrating the delays on input VAT refunds can be when supporting documents do not meet the requirements for a valid tax invoice.
Can SARS correct my assessment?
A taxpayer who is aggrieved by an assessment or decision of SARS against that taxpayer has the right to dispute that assessment or decision. If an original assessment has not been issued, SARS may request a taxpayer to submit an amended return to correct an undisputed error made in the prior return.
HVM internal news | interne nuus
We as HVM found ourselves extremely involved in many exciting activities leading into the end of the year, from sponsored events to our annual team-building. The perfect way to end another year of excellent service!
Find out if your home office is tax-deductible
Tax practitioners have been inundated with queries from clients on the possible relief offered by the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) on the possibility of deducting from their taxable income home office expenses due to the shift in working policies by many employers.
Why it’s time for your business to go green
As the risks of climate change become more intense and prevalent in today’s world, businesses are feeling the pressure to adapt and rethink their business models, making sure they align with the needs of clients, employees, as well as the environment.
Is vaccination status disclosure mandatory?
While employers cannot force their employees to be vaccinated, there are various grounds for dismissing employees who object, provided that the employer has conducted a thorough risk assessment to determine the need for vaccination.
Happier clients come through authentic relationship building
Every business in the world sells something. They sell goods or services in order to address a need or desire of a consumer, and to achieve a profit in the process (at the very least only to ensure its sustainability). Before the introduction of many modern technologies (the internet specifically)...
HVM internal news | interne nuus
HVM recently attended the annual GMN Africa meeting virtually. We are proud to announce that our director, Vermeulen Badenhorst, was once again elected on the GMN Africa Committee, holding the HVM name in very high esteem.