Hoërskool Parel Vallei
HVM is die trotse borg van Hoërskool Parel Vallei se Drama Departement. Ons hoop vir ‘n lang en suksesvolle pad wat saam gestap gaan word. Parel Vallei het HVM as hulle borg bekendgestel op hulle Instagramblad. Gaan kyk gerus na die video deur die skakel te gebruik: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6qIYvBrXPI/

Parel Vallei is currently hard at work on their next play, 99 Luftballons, which will be presented during the month of July. The Drama Department describes the show as follow: “We exist both where we’ve come from, and from where we’re going. Inspired by the 1982 anti-war song with the same title, this is a story of Kleine Anne. She is a child of the world. This powerful piece of multi-lingual and multi-disciplinary theatre takes us on a provocative journey of desperation, compassion and acceptance. Created as a tribute to the children around the world who live at war.”

Veranderinge aan personeel

Ons groet vir Clarissa Botha (ons sekretaresse) asook vir Pieter Roodt (SAIPA-klerk) wat hulle loopbaan by ons beëindig en hulle vlerke daar buite gaan sprei.

Suretha Steyn is ons nuwe sekretaresse en sy voel klaar deel van die HVM-familie.

Herman van der Merwe, director of HVM
On June 2nd, Herman celebrated his 70th birthday. We wish him a blessed year ahead.
At the end of June, he will be retiring as director of HVM. We celebrated his path with HVM at Blaauwklippen while enjoying a delicious lunch.
Daar is stories vertel oor die ou dae en ou kliënte, asook gelag en gehuil. Ons gaan vir Herman op kantoor mis. Ons sal nooit vergeet hoe hy vir elkeen individueel groet wanneer hy by die kantoor aankom nie. Herman was een van die oorspronklike direkteure wat vir HVM in 2007 geskep het.






We celebrated the following birthdays these last few months:

Sylvia – 23 May

Herman – 2 June

While every reasonable effort is taken to ensure the accuracy and soundness of the contents of this publication, neither the writers of the articles nor the publisher will bear any responsibility for the consequences of any actions based on information or recommendations contained herein. Our material is for informational purposes.

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