After 2019 and all the challenges it brought, a well deserved break has given HVM the opportunity to re-group and tackle 2020 with renewed strength and energy. We hope our clients are just as well rested and as motivated as we are to make a success of 2020.

HVM is trots om aan te kondig dat ‘n nuwe belastingspesialis aangestel is. Adeline van der Westhuizen is gereed vir enige belastingkwessie en is reg om die bul by die horings te pak. We would like to congratulate Ryan Slabbert on completing his BCompt degree at the University of South Africa. We are very proud!

Crouch, Bind.. Set!
The 2020 Super rugby season kicked off the past weekend, setting the stage for the annual HVM Superbru competition. There are great expectations for this year’s tournament. As we’ve seen in the previous season, there is no such thing as an underdog, and it’s anyone’s game.

The HVM team knows how important exercise is to living a healthy and nutritious life, and therefore decided to meet up one Saturday of each month to complete a Parkrun (5km) together.

Om seker te maak dat almal vars en uitgerus is vir die jaar wat voorlê, is die jaarlikse Moedskep-braai gehou om, soos die naam sê, ‘n bietjie moed te skep. Na ‘n heerlike aand is die HVM span gereed vir die jaar en reg om ‘n reuse sukses van 2020 te maak.