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Octo Place, Block A, 1st Floor,
Elektron Street,
Techno Park, Stellenbosch,

021 880 1994
PO Box 658, Stellenbosch, 7599

Mon to Thu – 08:00 – 17:00
Fri – 08:00 – 14:00

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few frequently asked questions. These questions have been answered very short and act as an introduction. Please make an appointment should you want to discuss in more dept and detail.

1. Must a businessman/women have a trust?

It depends on the taxpayer and the circumstances as each person’s situation differs.

2. What is an independent contractor?

Our Tax booklet gives guidance. See the Tax Guide tab to download a PDF version of it.

3. Must I register a company to start a business?

No, it’s not a prerequisite.

4. Must I register for VAT when I start a new business?

Compulsory VAT registration when turnover exceeds R1 million.