• A5 Octo Place Elektron Street Techno Park Stellenbosch 7600 South Africa


December 2019

December 12, 2019|

We end this year with amazing memories and proud hearts. Congratulations to South Africa for winning the Rugby World Cup Championship! We also did our part supporting the Boks with our Bok-Friday jerseys and participating in the Superbru competition. Well done to Anmar who took the trophy.

Hoekom is belastingbeplanning belangrik?

December 12, 2019|

Belastingbeplanning is noodsaaklik om te verseker dat jou welverdiende Rande, binne alle wette en regulasies van die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens en die Inkomstebelastingwet, te rek vir die nabye toekoms maar ook vir jou goue jare.

September 2019

September 3, 2019|

Na ‘n koue winter, groet ons die derde kwartaal met ‘n warm hart. Ons is dankbaar vir die goeie reënseisoen in die Boland. Lente steek sy kop uit met die vroeë oggendson, getjirp van voëltjies en die bome wat begin bot.

The audit process

May 30, 2019|

To get a better understanding of the audit process, we can take a look at the definition of an audit. Audit – “an official inspection of an organisation’s accounts, typically by an independent body”. An efficient audit is one that reduces the audit risk to the targeted level...

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Hennie van Rooyen

Prompt, knowledgeable, efficient and professional – a company that I recommend to my local and overseas clients.

OBO Management

I am taking the liberty to say a heartfelt thank you to you all for jumping in and helping with our audit at such short notice! We are very impressed with your workmanship and professional conduct.

Leana Germishuys

Ek wil net vir HVM vandag baie dankie sê vir die professionele, vinnige en deeglike oudit wat jullegedoen het. Dit is net ‘n plesier om jullehier te hê. Jullekan baie trots wees op julle span.

Andre de Villiers

I want to thank HVM for the professional and attentive service you give to me, and to us as shareholders of Devler Estates.  I really appreciate it. You also have a great team and I always find the service from all who I interact with to reflect well on your business.

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