December 2019
We end this year with amazing memories and proud hearts. Congratulations to South Africa for winning the Rugby World Cup Championship! We also did our part supporting the Boks with our Bok-Friday jerseys and participating in the Superbru competition. Well done to Anmar who took the trophy.
Hoekom is belastingbeplanning belangrik?
Belastingbeplanning is noodsaaklik om te verseker dat jou welverdiende Rande, binne alle wette en regulasies van die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens en die Inkomstebelastingwet, te rek vir die nabye toekoms maar ook vir jou goue jare.
Calculating your foreign currency capital gain
With the fast approaching 2019 tax season, taxpayers who have realised a capital gain in a foreign currency should take note of the special rules that apply to the translation of those gains to Rand.
Your payroll administration questions answered
As payroll administrators ourselves, we encounter a few frequently asked questions that employers, business owners or those responsible for payroll administration within organisations struggle with.
Your payroll administration questions answered
As payroll administrators ourselves, we encounter a few frequently asked questions that employers, business owners or those responsible for payroll administration within organisations struggle with.
Belastingbetalers kan uitsien na die volgende voordele
Die drie spaarfondse wat voordeel inhou vir ‘n individu met aftrede, is ‘n pensioenfonds, uittree-annuïteitsfonds, en ‘n voorsorgfonds.
September 2019
Na ‘n koue winter, groet ons die derde kwartaal met ‘n warm hart. Ons is dankbaar vir die goeie reënseisoen in die Boland. Lente steek sy kop uit met die vroeë oggendson, getjirp van voëltjies en die bome wat begin bot.
The audit process
To get a better understanding of the audit process, we can take a look at the definition of an audit. Audit – “an official inspection of an organisation’s accounts, typically by an independent body”. An efficient audit is one that reduces the audit risk to the targeted level...