Dit is in vreemde tye waarin ons die tweede kwartaal van 2020 afsluit. COVID-19 is een van die grootste uitdagings wat ieder en elk van ons al ooit ervaar het. In hierdie tye waarin die wêreld hom tans bevind probeer ons almal ons bes om positief te bly en mekaar te ondersteun, al is dit oor ‘n afstand. Wat ons almal wel geleer het, is dat om gesond te wees waarlik net ‘n seëning is.
Since the start of the COVID-19 lockdown, HVM’s employees continued to work remotely from home. From the 1st of July 2020 we will finally be back at the office embracing the “new normal”, with all the necessary precautions and measurements in place. Clients can come for appointments or drop off any documentation etc. We still advise you to rather contact us via email and/or telephone. Please remember to wear your mask when coming to see us.
HVM is trots om aan te kondig dat ‘n nuwe SAIPA klerk vanaf 17 Februarie 2020 aangestel is. Jessica-Beal-Preston het die jaar volstoom begin en 2 weke na haar aanstelling die Cape Town Cycle Tour voltooi! Wel gedaan Jessica
Tydens Lockdown het van HVM se kliënte die pragtige wintersdae gekombineer met oefening om ‘n gesonde lewenstyl te handhaaf.
We would like to congratulate Ryan Slabbert and Janneke Boshoff on their graduation on 19 June 2020. Ryan Slabbert got his Bachelor in Accounting Science degree and Janneke Boshoff got her post graduate diploma in Applied Accounting Science, both at the University of South Africa. Good luck for the road ahead. [A picture containing person, woman, holding, man Description automatically generated]
We are well on our way into the new tax season. The tax season for 2020 starts on the 1st of July. It is a busy time but HVM is ready to go. COVID-19 had an impact on every aspect of our lives, but one thing has not changed – the tax season is still happening! We hope that the process will still run smoothly.
Everyone at HVM wishes you well. Look after yourself, wash your hands, wear your mask, and keep your distance. These times will pass and the sun will shine again!