Na ‘n lekker Desember-vakansie is almal weer terug op hul pos, uitgerus en reg vir die 2019 jaar. Ook maar vinnig uit die blokke met die belasting Jaareinde. HVM as ‘n span sien uit om die uitdagings van die jaar saam aan te pak.
HVM started fresh with 4 new employees. From the left: Karli Truter (SAIPA-trainee), Jo-Anelda Scholtz (SAIPA-trainee), Marice Randall (Small Business Manager) en Janneke Boshoff (SAICA-trainee). We are looking forward to work with them and being part of their growth process.

On the social side, the annual “Moedskep Braai” took place at the beginning of the year. An event HVM looks forward to every year. Big shout out to Mr. Spitbraai for again exceeding our expectations.
HVM is trotse Superrugby ondersteuners en neem deel aan die opwindende Superbru kompetisie. Ons sien uit om te sien wie gaan met die boerpot wegstap!

Janco, our Audit Manager, showed some stamina at the Cape Peninsula Half-Marathon, successfully finishing the race. Well done, Janco!

We are proud to announce that HVM will be the main sponsor of De Hoop Primary’s first team Tennis until 2021. For those who are interested, follow the link below to see the launch of the new Tennis clothes.

Ons sien uit na ‘n rustiger Maart-maand na afloop van die voltooiing van voorlopige belastings. Onweer of mooiweer, voorspoed met die jaar wat voorlê.