Soos die halfpadmerk aanbreek, is dit gewoonlik die tyd wanneer mense reflekteer op hulle Nuwejaars-voornemens wat aan die begin van die jaar gemaak is, om te bepaal of enige aanpassings nodig is. Netso, het HVM teruggekyk en in hierdie kwartaal het daar heelwat verander.
Thus far, the year surely provided a lot of excitement at the office with the news of HVM and Concilio merging. This would definitely mean a few more desks will be occupied by brand new personalities and characters.
HVM is proud to introduce Chantelle Minnaar, all the way from Wellington.
She brings new meaning to the phrase “dynamite comes in small packages”. Not someone to be underestimated.
We count our lucky stars to have acquired such a valuable asset in her new role as Audit Senior.

Daniel Steenkamp het ingetree as HVM se derde direkteur. Met die ondervinding wat hy opgedoen het in die verlede, is hy beslis ’n aanwins vir HVM en HVM se kliënte. Ons sien uit om die pad saam met hom te stap en sy kennis met ons kliënte te deel.
Hiermee ‘n hartlike welkom aan Daniel. Ons glo ons sal baie by hom kan leer en glo ook HVM sal vir hom dieselfde kan bied.
Hierdie jaar het Lorenco en sy klub, Chilli Ultimate, hulle oë na Grahamstad gedraai waar hierdie jaar se Nasionale Kampioenskappe plaasgevind het.
Rhodes Universiteit was die gasheer, wat ‘n onvergeetlike toernooi georganiseer het. HVM is baie trots om geassosieer te wees met so unieke sport wat bietjie iets ‘anders’ tevore bring.

Die Wingerd Primary Golf day is one of the first events to be marked on HVM’s calendar, as it’s always a tremendous blessing to see the work being done with the funds raised for the primary school.
This year our team consisted of, from left to right, Christoffel Greeff (c), Daniel Brink, Faul Greeff and Lorenco Heiberg. The only thing sharper than the team was the weather conditions.
This year our game was designed to challenge our fellow golfers’ luck combining it with skill. The dice being the luck and the throw of the golf ball into the corresponding number proved to be not as easy as it appears.
Top prizes consisted of our special HVM branded lunch boxes. When the last ball was struck and the final pin lifted, it was safe to say the day was a huge success.

After 10 years’ service, we are saddened to announce that our accounting manager, Christoffel Greeff, has turned in his gun and badge. He has been one of the pillars in the firm and his absence will surely be felt. We would like to honor him in the loyalty and commitment he has shown towards HVM over the years.
He started at HVM with his SAIPA articles and proceeded to work his way up to an associate. We wish him nothing but the best in his future endeavors and know he will be a huge success in his new role.