Ons wens almal ‘n wonderlike jaar toe en verwelkom ons nuwe personeel en kliënte. Ons nuwe personeellede is Audrey Goosen, Lieb du Raan, Markus Prinsloo, Racquel Jardim, Zach Steenkamp.
Our new logo
We held a competition last year at Parel Vallei High School where the design department had to design a logo for HVM. The winner, Celine Scharrighuisen describes her design as follow:
“The square-like shapes on the left corner of the text represent books, it’s position allows the eye to follow from the first shape onto the next and then to the text. The position of the shapes gives a feeling of movement and energy, as well as symbolizing growth, innovation, and progress within the business”.
Jaareindfunksie 2024
Ons wil ons werknemers gelukwens met die toekennings wat hulle ontvang het tydens ons prysuitdeling verlede jaar. Franco Potgieter (SAICA-klerk van die jaar), Adeline van der Westhuizen (werknemer van die jaar) en Marne-Mari Ueckermann (SAIPA-klerk van die jaar).
Induction at Webersburg Wines
We kicked off the year with a special induction event at the beautiful Webersburg Wines. This gathering was an opportunity to reflect on our company’s values and discuss the exciting new plans for 2025.
After our discussions, we enjoyed a delicious lunch, providing a perfect setting for colleagues to connect and strengthen team bonds. To capture the moment, we also took new office photos, ensuring that our team’s spirit and professionalism are well represented.
With the foundation set for a successful year ahead, we look forward to achieving great milestones together!
Liefde is in die lug! Ons het Valentynsdag gevier met kolwyntjies en rooi jaffels.
Veels geluk aan almal wat die afgelope twee maande hulle verjaarsdag gevier het. Ons hoop dit was ‘n wonderlike dag en dat die jaar wat voorlê vol seën sal wees.
Racquel – 5 Januarie
Franco – 6 Februarie
Audrey – 15 Februarie
Marialda – 21 Februarie
Janneke – 22 Februarie