Een van ons SAIPA klerke, Nico Barkhuizen, het die geleentheid gehad om saam met twee betekende akteurs op “Kom ons braai Celebs” te verskyn. Die program was die 9de September uitgesaai op VIA. Hy beskryf die ervaring as: “Vet pret, dit was lekker om saam met die ‘celebs’ te braai.”
Two of our directors, Vermeulen and Herman, attended the GMNI Africa conference from the 7th till the 9th in Nairobi Kenya. This meeting was attended by our collegues in Africa suche as Mauritius, Congo and virtually by Morrocco and Nigeria. The meeting was also attended by the new upcoming President of GMNI, Nandan Bendarkar, from Dubai. It was nice to have an actual meeting in so many years. Vermeulen Badenhorst is currently the Vice-President of the Africa region.
Die afgelope week het die jaarlikse Lochnerhof Golfdag plaasgevind op Strand se gholfbaan. Dit was interessant om nuwe mense te ontmoet en op te vang met ou kenisse.
The start of September was celebrated with a lunch at Thirsty Scarecrow. This lunch was also held as a thank you to all the employees for their hard work during a difficult August. The lunch is a way to encourage us to continue working hard for the rest of the year. It is heartwarming to know that the directors see the hard work that we as employees put in and that we are rewarded for the work that we have done.
Gedurende die kwartaal het ons die volgende verjaarsdae gevier:
Een van ons direkteure, Vermeulen, het verjaar op 13 Augustus. Ons het sy verjaarsdag gevier met ‘n ligte ete.
Sedert Junie het ons min verjaarsdae gehad. Saam met Vermeulen se verjaarsdag het ons Anmar se verjaarsdag gevier.